Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D Candidate in at the Department of Arabic Language and Literature in the University of Persian Gulf, Bushehr, Iran

2 Associate Professor at the Department of Arabic Language and Literature in the University of Persian Gulf, Bushehr, Iran.


As one of the relatively new branches of human knowledge, semiotics seeks to open new horizons of the text to the audience by relying on the text and deciphering the signs and how they work. The narrative poems of Wadī‛ Sa‛ādah, a contemporary Lebanese poet, and Hafez Mousavi, a contemporary Iranian poet, have intricate inner layers and meanings that describe events in visual language. Considering the diversity of cryptographic levels in the narrative poems of these two poets, this research employed a descriptive-analytical method and the American comparative School to investigate the cryptographic semiotics in the poem "Dead Moments" by Wadī‛ Sa‛ādah, and "Say something, from love ..." by Hafez Mousavi via the French semiotics based on "Five Codes" of Roland Barthes (1915-1980), and acquire dimensions of the interpretive capacities of these two poems. The results obtained from this research are such that the cryptocurrencies used in these two poems, apart from the formal use, are considered one of the successful tricks of the two poets in creating open text. This issue is more evident in the titles of both poems, which are interpretable and can be studied in the context of enigmatic codes. The semantic codes of these two poems with implicit meanings and its symbolic codes with obvious and understandable contrasts, proairetic codes, as the most frequent codes of these two poems with related developments and cultural codes with an ideological dimension and intertextual explanation are successful in representing the events of the war and the ultimate goal of Sa‛ādah and Mousavi and are considered as a factor in advancing the narrative movement of the text


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