Semantic Deviation of the Quran in Amal Donqol's Poetry
Semantic Deviation of the Quran in Amal Donqol's Poetry

Ibrahim Anari Bozchallouei; Samira Farahani

Volume 7, Issue 2 , July 2016, , Pages 23-42

  The purpose of the present paper is to investigate semantic deviation of the Holy Quran in Amal Donqol's poetry. Deviation is one of the techniques of defamiliarization, and was first ...  Read More
Quranic Figures of Speech in Abul’atāhieh’s Poems
Quranic Figures of Speech in Abul’atāhieh’s Poems

Jahangir Amiri; Shariyar Hemmati

Volume 3, Issue 1 , August 2011, , Pages 1-24

  Abul’at?hieh, a distinguished poet and the innovator of the technique of ascetic poetry in Abbasid era, was obviously and markedly under the influence of the Holy Qur’an and made ...  Read More