

Abul’at?hieh, a distinguished poet and the innovator of the technique of ascetic poetry in Abbasid era, was obviously and markedly under the influence of the Holy Qur’an and made an extensive use of Quranic rhetorical devices and figures of speech in his poems. The influence of the Qur’an on Abul’at?hieh is in all lexical, collocational, musical, rhetorical and thematic areas. However, those figures of speech whose form and content are adopted from the holy Qur’an have stronger presence in his poetry and they include simile, metaphor, irony and various types of allusion. The effect of the Qur’an on Abul’at?hieh can be deemed a case of intertextuality of the type ‘parallel negation’ which is indicative of the great extent to which this poet was influenced by the holy Qur’an.
