Subh al-'A'sh? f? San?'at al-insh?' is one of the greatest encyclopedias produced in the Islamic civilization before the ninth century after Hegira. The book addresses a plethora of historical, scientific and literary issues in which the writer explains the administration mechanism of D?w?n al-Insh?' (a secretariat keeping the records of non-financial and non-military correspondence). The book was written by Ahmad ibn Ali Qalqashandi who had worked in D?w?n al-Insh?' for years. As a result of a brief study of the book, the present article provides a review and an explanation of the administrative structure of the government in the Period of Mam?l?k. The administrative pillars or the executive organization of D?w?n al-Insh?' were as follows:
1-Seven groups of secretaries. 2-Warehousemen. 3- D?w?n’chamberlain. 4- Kutt?b al-dast 5- Kutt?b al-darj