Of yore, literary works have reflected social relationship and interaction in communities. The extent of this mutual impact depends on type of works and knowledge and information of their authors. Golestan book of Saadi that is considered as an example of Persian speech art in both prose and poetry fields comprises of unique collectanea of cute implications in terms of content that resulted from taste, knowledge and experience of their owner. Given that proficiency of Saadi in Arabic language and literature , it clear that the given work to be influenced by arabic literary works and at the same time Arabic works have been affected by Iranian language and culture. Terse and highly meaningful clauses of Golestan in many cases have been adapted as proverbs, are greatly similar to Arabic Exempla. This issue has been considered by Saadi- researchers for some period of time where they have indicated it in many works especially illustrations of Golestan and Boostan. In the present essay, it has been tried to investigate many existing similarities between Arabic Exempla and contents of Golestan that have not been yet implied. Finding of such similarities and their comprehension from different artistic, lexical and semantic aspects may essentially contribute to reading and comprehension of Golestan of Saadi. In this paper, at least fifty samples of common themes among Golestan and Arabic Exempla have been shown that they were not implied before