

This study aims to show the changes of the image of Arabic/Persian other in the novels of Iranian author, Ahmad Mahmud and Arabic author¬, Abd Al-Rahman Munif.
In this comparative study, we follow the both of American and Russian schools in comparative literature that focus on common and uncommon points between literary works.
The study has divided in two sections: “The image of other and its relation with the sympathy and projection” and “The positive and negative images”.
We can say that two authors draw in a humanistic, pluralistic and far from chauvinism way, the image of the other in which they are sympathize with him in his problems such as the underdevelopment, autocracy and finally the colonialism, as well as they are project his achievements and problems upon the other. This process results from similar live conditions in Persian and Arabic societies. On the other hand, Mahmud and Muif draw a positive and negative image of the other that we can say: It is far from the defamation. Than we can be optimistic toward Persian and Arabic relation’s future.
