

Salm ibn Amr khasir The First Abbasid poet born in Basra.He was a pupil and narrator of the poet Bashar ibn Burd. He acquired his nickname (the Loser),when he sold a copy of the Quran in exchange for a book of verse; other explanations are also given. When young,he moved to Baghdad and became a panegyrist of the ‘Abbasid caliphs,the Barmakids, in especial Fadl Barmaki,and other leading persons.He kept company with Abu al ‘Atahia , Marwan ibn Abi Hafsa, Waliba ibn Hubab and Abu al-Shamaqmaq.Salm made panegyric poems and elegies. He died in 186 (Hejira) Some enumeratc him Sadducee for his relation with Bashar. He invented the ultra –short rajaz monometer (four syllables per line: mustaf’ilun) employed in a poem praising Hadi
