

This article aim to investigate image concept from the traditional rethoric point of view and shows how traditional rethoric stopped because of negligible understanding of image notion and focus on shape, without seriously dealing with contents. Although in this respect, Molla Abdolghaher Jorjani is superior to others and has vast attempts, but after him there was no suitable evolution in rethoric .
Furthermore, this article tries to show why traditional rethoric failed in releasing itself from details in image and didn’t gain structured view to image where manner of relation of content relationship with these images has been scrutinized. Although Abdolghaher had attempts in this field, which is pioneer of his time, but after him these issues were not followed, even some eloquence experts, narrowed his opinions and decreased their values.
The method of this research is investigation of prominent rethoric point of view in traditional eloquence to present a policy of traditional eloquence. Necessity of this research is that it highlights defects and shortages of traditional rethoric and reveals that applied researches based on traditional rethoric are not enough and we must use new theories in rethoric beside them.
