Document Type : Research Paper
Assisstant professer of Arabic Languege and Literature, University of Mazandaran
Human as the Superior of the Creature was More Important for Pre-Socrates, But by Emerging Socrates this Remark Become Pale Because he Pointed to be Average of Human's Powers. After many Decades, Some Grand-Phipspher Such as Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Martin Heidegger and Jean-Paul Sartre Entered and they have Taken Attention to Human and Established Existentialism.This Academy Spoke about Human and His Gentry and Emphasized on Existence Primacy on Identity and that Human is the Only Creature who can Make his Identity.from This Academy Point of View, all Things are for Hunan. this Academy has Influenced in World Literature, Especially in Arab's Contemporary Literature, and Affect an Scholars and Poets. One of Them, Joseph Alkhal Named Modernism Poet in Contemporary Arab Poetry. Man and His Originality is Important for Him and Criticals the Communist Systems, Because Ignore the Individual Genius of Man and His Talent.of his View, Human is Everything and Freedom is His Right. Freedom that Help Him for Forming Freedom Society and Recognize the Fact.he Knows the Literature in Serving of Human. he Knows Poet the Value that be Committe to the Human and Society. this Paper by Analyzing his Distiches Try to Describe Existentialism in Joseph Alkhal Poem and Deals thery Element of it Like:Human, Freedom and Commitment.
نوگرایی در ادبیّات عربی پس از حملة ناپلئون به مصر در سال(1798م) آغاز شد