Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Literature, University of Tehran

2 Ph.D Student, University of Tehran


Existentialism school is a movement for protest and objection against systems and idealistic rules which tends to dominating the human beings. This movement was exceeded from the mere philosophical concept and take his place in art and literature.the " star of August" the novel of Son’oallah Ibrahim, by this point of view, try to search new humanities which tend to consider the human and his existence content the novel is seprated the human essence from his existence It belive in human selection, human authority and human absolute freedom and these issues make the protagonist of the novel to feel in fear,worry and sadness The writer of this novel who saw himself the amazments and sorrows of mere affilication and wisdom and scater of human's essentials, try to create a novel that shows the  human subjectivity and activity although it don’t show the mere and pure identity of the main character of the novel or his apparently power.


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