Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, University of Tehran

2 Assistant professor in Arabic language and literature, university of shiraz


The prayers of Imam Sajjad (AS) have a special artistic style that contribute to a great body of our religious literature. Therefore, it is essential to pay due attention to this aspect of the prayers also known as the prayer literature. In this paper, we try to analyze the imagery created through personification in the prayers of Imam Sajjad (AS) with the aim of portraying emotion, movement and dynamism. Findings from the review suggest that emotion and dynamism proceeded from personification  hasn’t been limited to human but also is used to from other animals. Personification not used in these prayers  as a rheotic  but it has been employed in agreement with the moral relationship with the Creator which is the very purpose of the prayers and this makes the audience find a kind of dynamic prayers and better relationship with God. In addition to brief personification, extended personification  has also been used in the prayers. The elements that are personified in the prayers are beyond the mundane world and exist in the form of abstract concepts such as praise and Ramadan etc. which could be argued that they have received more attention in the religious literature and the prayer literature, in particular.


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