Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor in University of Tehran (Callege of Farabi)

2 Associate Professor in the Tarbiat Modarres University

3 Assistant Professor in university of Alzahra


Jahez is considered as one of the prominent figures in Arabic prose literacy of Abbasids era which has left important works. Among his literary heritages, “Al-Bokhala” is the result of Jahez’s own experiences and knowledge, and shows the art of Jahez by introducing the miser characters and their intelligence.
This precious scholar has described the subject of avarice in miser’s life, based on satire. He has depicted the personality and ideology of a miser very well that a miser character is not a passive character but it is a societal character. He is a wise person with intelligence and cleverness that regulates his relationship with others with a full recognition of himself and with the use of his emotional intelligence, organizes the factors of his success.
This article attempts to contemplate the miser character in Al-Bokhala book using Analytical Descriptive Method and consider its character traits regarding on considerable theories in psychology areas especially in emotional intelligence field.
Analysing the miser characters in Al-Bokhala book determines that they are people with a high emotional intelligence ability and to achieve their goals they use this ability with marvellous attitudes.


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