Document Type : Research Paper



Mamdūh Adwān (1941-2004) is a contemporary Syrian poet who has vastly used traditions in his poems and has tried to express his ideas and stances toward Arab world's current problems in a symbolic way and through traditional characters. Mamdūh Adwān is known as a poet committed to his country and people, and so, he considers expression of problems and provision of solutions as the highest concerns of his poems. Consequently, in order to express these issues and provide solutions, he recalls traditional characters, and since the majority of his addressees are laymen, he deems the prophets as the most appropriate characters to bear the foregoing responsibility in his poems. Prophets are the famous and trusted models of the hard times, and so, are the best shelters. It is stimulating that three divine prophets, namely Josef, Noah, and Moses (a), are mentioned and used as a source of inspiration in Mamdūh Adwān's poetry. By recalling the characters of these prophets, he praises uprising and revolution and expresses his dissatisfaction with muteness against tyranny. He considers his mission the same as the prophets': to guide people toward freedom from tyrants. The article at hand aims at inspecting this recalling of the three aforementioned prophets in Mamdūh Adwān poems. It also intends to examine the implied real-life examples of these characters and the poet's method of recalling them.


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