Document Type : Research Paper



No doubt that the simultaneous interpretation is one of the most difficult types of translation. This type of translation, which is sometimes called oral translation, has many challenges that are familiar to and tangible for the translators. These challenges can be examined in two grounds; first, the content and mechanism of translation, and second, the translator himself. Although translators can overcome some of these challenges by practice and accumulation of experience, the field of oral translation is presently in need of theoretical discussions that provide guidelines, principles of success in this type of translation, and expert translators' experience in a clear and practical way for novice yet interested translators. Consequently, in this study, the nature of simultaneous translation, its characteristics and challenges, and the necessity of carefulness in this type of translation are explained. Then, the necessary prerequisites and capabilities of the simultaneous interpreters are specified, and some other conditions accompanying the simultaneous interpretation that translators may face are mentioned. Finally, some practical principles and practices for success in simultaneous interpretation are mentioned.


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