Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D student of Arabic Language and Literature islamic.Azad university scince and Research Branch Tehran

2 Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature. Islamic Azad university scince and Research Branch Tehran

3 Associate Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature. University of Tehran


Being repeated for 43 times and having 5 semantic implications, “Salām” is a Quran term through it God greeted his prophets and ordered human beings to greet each other accordingly. The term has been used in Quran in various morphological structures and syntactic implications. The current article aims at analyse the diacritical dimensions and morphological structures of the term and to discover its semantic relation in order to find the reason for the differences, using analytic methods. The perspective of the article is to compare Sheikh Tūsi's viewpoints to those of others. It concluded that the text of the Surah and the kind of its addressees influences directly the morphological formation of the term as well as its implications. Sometime in one verse with one style we see two sides of Arab which says one of the aspect of structure miracles of Quran and evaluation literary of that in district of grammar and eloquence come in this article.


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