Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature. Bu-Ali Sina University

2 hD Student Arabic Language and Literature. Bu-Ali Sina University


the music is an essential element of poetry and is one of the most prominent techniques used by poets in the construction of their poems, from here, this research examines this element in the poems of Nizar Qabbani, based on descriptive-analytical method. We studied the rhythmic phenomena on both aspect: the first is what is called external music, where we analyzed scansions and rhymes and we understood that the poet invested the rhythm of the “Kamil” meter, and he have been published many of his technical experiences in this metre; because it is one of the most poetic lyric poetry. It has also become clear that the absolute rhymes - rhymes connected to soft character- are predominant on the restricted rhymes and it was characterized with the voices (Alif, Vav and Ya) which are the most appropriate sounds for the purpose of description and singing. The results indicate that the implication was used only for the purpose of organic unity and the unity of the psychological atmosphere and he also resorted to repetition technique to enhance the rhythmic structure of his poetic texts but the main purpose of intellectual music is creating a kind of invention and innovation.


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