Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature University of Sistan va Balouchestan

2 other


The application of symbol in modern Arabic poetry is far-ranging since Arabic poetry is deplete with symbolic expressions and modern contemporary Arab poets employs these indirect expressions to state their own thoughts. Making use of such symbols, Arab poets present a vivid image of contemporary human concerns. Palestine and its problems are central subjects symbolically reflected in contemporary Arab poets. Implicitly and symbolically, the poems of such poets refer to the past and present problems of Palestine. However, it is not an easy job to investigate the symbols employed in poems concerning Palestine. It is because the application of such symbols is so cleverly done that there is no clear reference to Palestine and the involved parties. The prevailing conditions in Palestine has caused Motavakel Taha, contemporary Palestinian poet, to inform his nation through his anti-cruelty poems. He has tried to make the problems of his nation and his bitter personal experiences more tangible to his readers. This famous and contemporary Palestinian poet through traditional symbols in his poetry cryptically and indirectly refers to the present-day problems of Palestine, originated from the past imprudence of Arabs. The present research attempts, based on an analytical-descriptive method, to study the collection of Motavakel Taha’s poetry through focusing on symbolic themes and to show the degree to which traditional symbols have influenced the structure of his odes. This study also exposes the link between such symbols and his personal subjective experiences and it is discussed how much they are conformed to the poets intended objectives. It is argued that poetic symbols have been managed not only to promote the aesthetic aspect of his poems but also they have been successful in bringing about human and social actions for Palestine.


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