Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature. University of Ilam


Islamic unity is the issues that from the very beginning of Islam were based on God’s exhilarant teachings which were of interest to Mohammad Prophet and the Infallible Imams, respectively. They always tried to keep Muslims from division through Islamic principles and to realize the union that was mentioned in Quran as much as possible. Most of the Arab poets also by paying attention to the political and military events that happened in Arabic countries, tried to invite Muslims to Islamic unity. Ahmed Moharram is among poets who call for Islamic unity everywhere in his Divan. Muharram poetry reflects all events of his era and Arab society. Investigating the results of the research shows that important issues in the field of unity in Muslim societies have involved Ahmad Muharram's mind. Among these issues are the following: the plight of the political and social conditions governing the Arab state and the obedience of the rulers; the lack of a nationalist approach to the issue of unity, and the presentation of a macro pattern beyond the geographical boundaries in this case, in the sense that he views the issue of unity as a sub-ethnic and Islamic theme, and sees it as an Islamic unity, not Arab unity. Emphasizing the epic and passionate Arabic effects as a motivating factor for consolidating the unity among peoples; referring to the Holy Qur'an and its practical applications as reliable support for the design and unification of the themes of unity, as well as the thematic use of the verses the holy Quran gave him special depth and content, and helped him to establish a loop of connection between himself and his audience. In this study, the authors based on analytic-descriptive approach, explain and analyze Islamic unity in his poems.


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