Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature University of Yasuj


Revived the ancient literature and referring to the culture and history in contemporary poetry and its modern employing is one of the techniques of contemporary Arab poets that has a special occasion with the literary theory “intertextual”. Wahab al-Bayati is one of the poets of the culture and literature of the Arabs ignorant who has used his poetry. This analytic approach to literary expression Bayati's poetry has generally ignorant of the meaning of culture and literature, poetry, myths, ideas, customs, proverbs and declared places that are depicted in the poem. The findings of the present study is that some of the Sakha and forgive the ignorant Arab customs, some of their ideas as "arrogant Albian" in some ways a poem like "The Atlal conscious" and places mentioned in the announcement, some multiplication Bayati's poetry has found expression in poetry and the ignorant proverb and in most cases, the experience of the poem, and poet associated with the deployment has been successful ignorant and rude. The most striking aspect of this link, wandering in deserts and separation from the beloved poet is ignorant Bayati life experiences as a poet wandering away from her lover (native) has to interact. Among the poets ignorant, Bayati most attention Tarafeh Ben Alabd has left behind is like wandering life. In fact, Bayati has been able to reveal the culture of Jaheli as an Arab heritage in contemporary poetry, and revive some of Jaheli’s culture and customs in his poetry. Referring to the ignorance and prejudice of Arabs in Jaheli era, he uses the Jaheli's wars to eliminate contemporary prejudices from the thoughts of the readers, thus pointing to the crushing (grinding) of the people in under the rubble of these wars. The poet also intends to keep alive some ethical issues such as loyalty, forgiveness so that modernity does not separate the Arab from its past, which in its belief has been brilliant in the past.


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