Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature International University of Imam Khomeini


As a branch of committed literature, literature of religious resistance has chosen poetry in order to convey its concepts and ideas rather than prose. The contemporary prominent religious figures and even warriors are often introduced in the form of poetry rather than narration and story. Al-Wusul, by a Lebanese contemporary writer Abdul-Qodos Amin is considered one of the most remarkable works in the field of resistance literature portraying the life of Om-Yaser, the wife of the former secretary-general of Hezbollah, Abbas al Moussawi. She was one of the effective figures of the resistance front who finally after many endeavors for the elevation of her personality and also for the progress of the scientific and cultural level of Lebanese women’s community, martyred alongside her husband. This narrative literary piece uses the realistic approach to present the true image of a Muslim woman in the Islamic society. Through a descriptive-analytical approach, the present paper, in introduces this work of literature and attempts to analyze the presented personality of the protagonist. A multi-dimensional personality who is a success as an individual, in society, politics and even in military life. Th writer portrays the development and progress of her personality through the arrangement of events. Studying the novel shows that the writer focuses on the meaning and does not limit himself to the structure of the narration. The style of his writing fluctuates from story to a memoir. In portraying the personality of the protagonist, Amin focuses on the resistance front and explains this aspect in Om-Yaser’s personality and does not neglect the individual and spiritual factors of her personality by speaking about her intellectual and cultural backgrounds.


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