Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Literature. University of Tehran

2 phd student, department od arabic literature, shahid beheshti university

3 Ph.D Student, Arabic Language and Literature. University of Tehran


In cultural discourse, a caricature has a special role in contemporary world and specially in political and social issues it is preferable to written cultural. There is no doubt that the influence of visual displays and the inspiritual meanings of caricatures, is higher than the written and audience mysteries and concepts. The Palestinian case and the artists who have used their art and his moral obligation to show the pain of this nation, are manifest in caricatures of Naji Al- Ali, the Plestinian caricaturist. Naji Salim Hussain al-Ali was a Palestinian cartoonist, noted for the political criticism of "Israel" in his works. He born on 29 August 1987 in the Palestinian village of Ash Shajara  and On 22 July 1987, al-Ali was shot in the neck and mortally wounded. Naji al-Ali died five weeks later in Charing Cross Hospital. Many people belive that the intelligence agency of Israel "moosad"  killed Al Ali. Al Ali's cartoons were drawn from his experience as a Palestinian refugee since childhood and clearly reflected his political stance,which was often critical of the Arab regimes. He has been described as the greatest Palestinian cartoonist and probably the best-known cartoonist in the Arab world. He is perhaps best known as creator of the character Handala, pictured in his cartoons as a young witness of the satirized policy or event depicted,and who has since become an icon of Palestinian defiance. Handala has also been remarked that "He was the arrow of the compass, pointing steadily towards Palestine. Naji Al-Ali used only simple lines and traces to depict his ideas and thoughts onto paper. His works and thoughts were impressive and unusual.The intertexuallity is used in Ali’s cartoons structurally, in plan of cartoon or in one or a few words. He used another kind of technique by combining the plan and text. Al-Ali tried to use the nation’s acceptable themes that lead the viewers and readers to understand Palestinian pain and suffering. Naji Al- Ali used the historian, religious and folkoloric intertextuality and world calture and applied the contrast, surprise, question, satire and other techniques. 


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