Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature. University of Guilan

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature. University of Kharazmi


The last years of the twentieth century were the end of a period in Arabic poetry where poets were using clear or mysterious symbols to express their views. Yet the new period in Arabic poetry, made it possible for a mainstream in Arabic poetry, and poets tends to resort to simplicity and avoiding symbolic language as they offer noticeable vision relevant to facts of life with reservation of humane poem. However, the current era paved the way an Arab poetry, namely simplicity and avoidance of the symbolic language of ambiguity, as poets provide a vision associated with life realities while preserving the humane message of poetry. On the other hand, the evolution of relationship between human consciousness on the one hand and between art and literature on the other has deepened the meanings inherent in literary works, where we feel an attempt to present meanings more simply than before. This relationship helps facilitate the introduction of this human consciousness first, while influencing the expansion of vision in the field of poetry at the same time; and also contributes to the development of literature and poetry. One example of this claim is contemporary Syrian poet Maram al-Masri’s poetry. Masri has a new and varied face in the meaning. Maram Al-Masri, a Syrian poet, is considered a poet who tries to enrich readers with life experience as a woman in her poems specifically in "Looking at You."  So we can analyze these series as a feminist poetry also, we are going to analyze it in accordance with the views of the existentialist feminism for "Simone de Beauvoir”.  The results show that the poet was able to express her Eastern and Western experiences utilizing easy language while maintaining the technical framework in a different space. Also poet tries to visualize these experiences in her poems. Expression of despair of active presence of women in society and life, the identity crisis, social concerns and search for the establishment of unity between itself and other is one of the main axes in the reflection of experience of the poet.


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