Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature. University of Razi

2 Ph.D student, Arabic Language and Literature. University of Razi


An analysis of narrative discourse with a holistic approach is one of the branches of discourse analysis that is used to examine units above the level of a sentence.This article attempts to story content, " Your eyes are my destiny" Ghada al-Samman in the form of a research-oriented structure with an emphasis on the most important issues of narrative discourse of reference "Gérard Genette 'French structuralist theorist studied's Only to discover the techniques of narrative, The main purpose of this research is to examine the three elements of time, aspect and tone as narrative techniques and their function in depicting the hardships and problems of women in the form of a feminist story the reader writer thinking about women and their position in the familiar limitations of personal and social life. Methods In this study, descriptive analysis and citing the book of genetics and library resources and try to answer this question is to what extent the narrative discourse in conflicts reflection of the author on the problems of women succeed? At first, the woman's storyteller (Talat) has been studied and his role in the story is being studied. Through this, it became clear that the author, by creating this role in the story, sought to highlight the importance of women's identity in women's lives. Secondly, from the point of view of the analysis and critique of discourse and its function in discovering and explaining the duality of identity, which has been the result of denial of femininity, has drawn attention to the character of the story. The narrative discourse analysis is very successful in this regard and reveals the hidden layers of the text through timing, change in the canon and the position of the narrator in the story.Anachronies, In two modes of presentation (passing to the future) and backwardness (passing to the past) and breaking the linear system of events within the discourse, creating gaps and breaks a story, double Kanvnysazy, bold or different positions Kmrngsakhtn role of the narrator in the story, the time to reach some kind of synchronicity between story and narrative and Creating a Time Diversity action of the narrative techniques used in this story. Removing a woman's identity and dare to accept her is the main result of this story. 


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