Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature University of Razi

2 PhD student, Arabic Language and Literature. University of Razi


This paper is based on the descriptive analytical method and using the critique of dramatic sociology, we examine short stories: " Men Vara Al Hejab, Al Saghat  by Zenon Ayub, (from innovative people of contemporary Iraqi literature) based on Erving Goffman ideas (1922-1982), a Canadian researcher in the field of Sociology and Anthropology Studies, who examines how the social identity of scarlet letter characters can be patched in their interaction with healthy individuals and their executive capability. The findings of the research show that the disclosure of abnormalities in the story of Al Saghat  makes it possible to marginalize, disagree, and widen the gap between him and society, which leads to a person in the critical situations . But the scarlet letter person in Men Vara Al Hejab can conceal its secrets from others by controlling the behind-the-scenes and adhering to their social role, and not allowing their social identity to be discouraged.
In addition, the other findings of this study indicate that the scarlet letter for both stories is to be attracted to forbid love; the relationship of Sohan  with Ehsan without respecting the customary and social criteria in Men Vara Al Hejab as well as the illegitimate relationship of the prostitute woman with The refferrals in Al-Saghat. Therefore, it is necessary to explain these two approaches, the way in which the main characters of the two stories, the actions, the rules and how to get the scarlet letter  and  the ability in dealing with the people who are accepted by the community, and the reaction of their circle of people regarding disgrace, according to Gaffman's theory, it has been studied and analyzed.


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