Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature. University of Lorestan

2 Associate Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature. University of Lorestan

3 Ph.D Student, Arabic Language and Literature. University of Lorestan


Tahavvolat Al-Asheq poetry collection, has written by Adonis one of contemporary Arab poet. Adonis is one of the most prominent critics and literates of the world with his innovations and iconoclasm in Arabic poetry and critique. He composed and published the poetry collection Tahavvolat Al-Asheq in 1961-1965. During this time, Adonis was greatly affected by mystical and religious studies, and this period of time can be considered as the stage of poet's maturity and poetic perfection. He was affected by the opinions and thoughts of the nominated mystics, in particular, Abdul Jabar Neffari, Ibn Arabi and Sheykh Mahmoud Shabestari, to a certain extent that he published a magazine entitled "Moaghef". Al-mavaghef va Al-mokhatabat were some literary works of Neffari that were related to the spiritual progress, wayfaring and journeying of mystics and order of conduct. This poem is closely related to mystical and religious insights. In this article, relying on inductive approach based on the description and analysis, we explain the stylistic elements of Tahavvolat Al-Asheq poetry in different layers of literature and language. In this research, with an overview of this components in both literature and language, relying on clear specifications of poet poetic style, we analyzed the intellectual level and intellectual level has not been studied separately because poet`s thinking and mentality, consciously or unconsciously, has direct influence in language formation and literary levels. By examining the literature level we can regard him as most familiar remover among Arab poets and based on the obtained results with examining the language level (lexical frequency and repeating elements), since governing structure and content of the poetry has religious signs, Adonis`s poetic style is abstract, mind-oriented and use of mental and labeled terms as well as the use of mystery and myth, has neared poetry language to sufi language, thus causes its complexity and ambiguity. On the other hand, array replication in this poem, in addition to the rhythmic word is represents poet`s internal feelings.


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