Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Tehran


Al-kunya “Allusion” is a linguistic and cultural manifest by which Arab people are distinguished from the other nations. Indeed, it is an ancient manifest and whatever is its origin. It existed and was practiced among Arab’s traditions and was preserved and saved by Islam. As well, The subject of Al-konaa “allusions” includes not only human but also all positions of life and entity of animals, plants, substances, and concepts. Until present, many studies have dealt with this phenomenon from different aspects. This study seeks to find Al-konaa “allusions in a linguistic cultural framework in order to reveal their cultural and historical roots through the study of the connotations of allusions. The second aim of this article is to find ways and means used by the Arabs in order to achieve what is the purpose of applying allusions. This article examines these methods according to the semantic relationship between genitive and sub-genitive in allusion and what is called allusion. The method used here is based on descriptive and analytical method. Accordingly, those allusions contained the old sources have been extracted and then in an analytical study and based on the desired goal it has been argued that among the methods of allusion it can be mentioned of allusion of the child in human and others. This method is the most method found in allusions. The word for allusion here is father and mother. which is contrary to what has been added here to son and daughter or place and time. So it is not limited to a thing or counter and antagonism and this is what we see in naming or a specific adjective by which the subject of allusion or origin and principle or product and child or place and circumstance can be known. Hence, in conclusion, allusion is an affair that has method. conditions. and ways with specific purposes.


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