Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Shahid Chamran Ahvaz

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic language and literature, Islamic Azad University of Abadan Branch

3 Ph.D student, Arabic Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University of Abadan Branch


Judge Naseh al Arjan (460-544) is one of the most talented in the province of Khuzestan and one of the best Arab poets in Iran during the Seljuk period, who was a famous poet and well-known in the cities of Khuzestan and Persia. Most of his adjectives are considered Arabic and are considered by the Ansar. The proprietors of the ancient critics always admired him and praised his poem. He is a pioneer in rhetoric science and his poetry has been the source of rhetorical books, but unfortunately, despite his high rank in rhetoric and his artistic talent in Arabic poetry and literature, he is less known in Iranian scientific and literary circles. In some of the pamphlets and descriptions of this poet, there is probably a profound psychological crisis in the collapse of the Arab-Arab civilization and the challenge of its political, social and economic values. On the way to Qarmishin (Kermanshah), he has a wise and wise look at the 65 -bit allegorical description of the archaeological and archaeological area of ​​the Tᾱq Bostᾱn, its graphic arts and its stone writing. It can be said that this poetry is one of the first and the most important checkers in the description of the vault's vault and the greatness and virtue of the Sassanid Shahrians in Arabic. The purpose of this article is to analyze this poem by Naseh-al-Din Arjani with a descriptive-analytical method. Judge Naseh-al-Din Arjani is one of the Arab poets of the Seljuk period, who was born in Arzan around 460 A.H in Fars. He played an important role in the cultural richness of this period. His poems are the place of the rhetoric of prevailing rhetorical books, such as brief, subjective, and ...; however, one of the forgotten history of Iranian literature is also considered.


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