Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature. University of Bu Ali Sina Hamedan

2 Ph.D student of Arabic Language and Literature. University of Bu Ali Sina Hamedan


The authors of the children's literature use this type of literature to teach religious teachings and social norms. The teaching of religious concepts, like any other science, requires the identification and application of correct, effective and effective principles and methods. Therefore, as the recognition of the characteristics and abilities of children in optimizing the teaching of religious concepts is certain. Understanding the principles and methods of teaching children's religious concepts is also necessary. Dialogue is one of the most important elements of fictional literature that works along with the narrative structure of the story. And the characters, the theme, the conflicts, and the overall design of the work is consonant. The writers of the story of the child are particularly interested in their artwork, and their works are closely intertwined with dialogue. This paper tries to examine the element of dialogue with the method of structuralist critique and based on the American School of Comparative Literature, emphasizing religious doctrines in the two stories of Little Blackfish by Samad Behrangi and al-Hadiqa al-Ajmal by Zahir Ibrahim Rasam. The results of the research show that among the various functions of dialogue, the advancement of fiction has the highest frequency in two stories and despite the parallels between the story of the little black fish and religious teachings such as helping others, dying, hatred of pride and lies, sometimes there are heterogeneities with religious teachings like not saluting, mocking others, beating and etc. but Abraham Rhyman brought his religious teachings more than a fairy tale in his story and it can be said that his story does not contradict the teachings of Islam and over the story of the little black fish is consistent with religious doctrines. in the case of a dialogue between animals and humans in two stories, too, in the story of the little black fish, dialogue between animals and birds has only taken place but in the story of al-Hadiqa al-Ajmal, the conversation is not limited to animals.


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