Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Persian Gulf University


Romanticism is one of the most famous contemporary literary schools that has had a great impact on the works of poets and writers from different countries of the world. The most prominent features of this literary school are: honest interpretation of personal emotions and feelings that come to the human conscience; being intrinsic or individualism; empathy and unity with nature; paying close attention to landscapes, especially pristine and wild landscapes; adherence to imagination; interpretation using new and inspiring codes; getting rid of poem meter and rhyme in moderation; back to the beginning and childhood; regretting of the past; dreams, love, despair, thinking about death and... . Although it has emerged recently, it seems that the themes it emphasizes can also be found in poetry from earlier literary periods. The author intends to answer these questions by examining Ibn Zaydoun's sonnets, one of the most prominent poets of Andalusia. Which of the themes that are called romantic themes today exists in the poems of Ibn Zaydun? How close are the images that the poet has created to express these themes to the specifications of the illustrations of the school of Romanticism? The author's method for answering these questions is descriptive-analytical. The results show that although the school of Romanticism is a new school, the following themes can be considered as examples of romantic themes in Ibn Zaydun's sonnets: the individual grief caused by an unexpected love for Valladeh the daughter of Mostakfi that not only led to separation but also to his imprisonment. The longing for home that has been sometimes appeared in poems combined with beloved’s memories and sometimes in independent poetry. A return to the past, especially to a period in which the poet's bliss has flourished. The study also shows that the poet's portrayals, especially his descriptions, lack consistency in the vertical axis of poetry, but in many cases he has chosen the metaphorical language that is a characteristic of romantic poetry to express his inner feelings.


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