Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Khwarazmi University, Karaj, Iran.

2 M. A. in Arabic Language and Literature, Khwarazmi University, Karaj, Iran.


Semiotics as one of the methods of literary criticism analyzes the semantic structure of poetry. Pierce's pattern as one of the exact patterns for recognizing the relationship of linguistic signs in the context of the text of the poem, which leads to the discovery of hidden data at the lower and deeper levels of the text. Farooq Jowaida is one of the romantic poets whose concept of love in lexicon and lexical framework has a variety of semantic loads and implications and he has tried to use literary and indirect language through a network of poetic images and linguistic signs of his poetic purposes and themes. To express. Therefore, the present study tries to deal with the semiotics of words meaning the concept of love based on descriptive and analytical methods and relying on Pierce's theory, and to investigate how the parts of the sign, ie, appearance, interpretation and subject, are related in creating the signs related to love. Based on the findings of the study, Jowaida has created poetic signs related to the concept of love in the form of aesthetic, spatial and temporal codices and horizontal and vertical axis of the word. And has expressed his intentions in virtual and covert language. Therefore, the present study tries to deal with the semiotics of words meaning the concept of love based on descriptive and analytical methods and relying on Pierce's theory, and to investigate how the parts of the sign, ie, appearance, interpretation and subject, are related in creating the signs related to love. Based on the findings of the study, Jowaida has created poetic signs related to the concept of love in the form of aesthetic, spatial and temporal codices and horizontal and vertical axis of the word. And has expressed his intentions in virtual and covert language


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