Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Language and Literature, University of Tehran, Tehran.

2 Department of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Children’s literature is characterized by its orientation to a gradual age stage, as it writes language, style and logic that commensurate with the abilities and perceptions of children and does not exceed their age stages. Its beginnings appeared in Europe in the late Middle Ages. But this literature was delayed in its appearance in Palestine, and it was in the form of individual initiatives, where writers devoted themselves to writing national songs for children. It revolved around three axes: the national conflict, criticism of reality, and the restoration of history. Mahmoud Shukair is considered one of the most prominent writers affiliated with realism, especially when the local conditions in Palestinian society matured, which led to the dominance of the realist trend in the Palestinian novel. His writing became an objective extension of the real-life story, in its connection with the Palestinian child's concerns and suffering. Some of his novels were a reality full of creativity, such as "I and Jumana," "Maryam's Words" and "Dreams of the Skinny Boy". The third form in the stories is "fantasy," which is represented in the way the writer seeks to stimulate and stimulate the imagination of the child and is embodied in the child's dream of transcending the time and spatial limits… to fly into a new reality. We have come to the conclusion that his fictional production depicts reality, and conveys it faithfully, to expose it and then to change it with his new means, such as fantasy and symbol. This is what distinguishes Shukair in his narrative construction. We have sensed solutions and proposals that call for changing the reality; this in itself is positive in the narrative construction, and is in harmony with the realists’ positions, values and calls to criticize and change reality.


Main Subjects

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