Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Graduated Arabic language and literature in Ferdowsi University of Mashhad , Iran.

2 Associate Professor in Arabic language and Literature' Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran.

3 Associate Professor in Arabic Language and Literature' Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran.


Sociological criticism of the novel is one of the widely used types of literary criticism, which provides a sociological reading of the literary text based on the relationship between the social structure and the literary structure. In this method, the status of different classes of society, behaviors, and actions of different social structures in a certain period of history are analyzed, and how the artistic representation of the society in the imaginary world of the literary work is criticized and analyzed. Elias Khoury has created a literary work in the novel Awlad Al-Ghetto- Esmi Adam, Under the influence of the social structures in which he lived, which, while showing the attitude and challenges of immigrants in a country that accepts immigrants, has dealt with the issue of Palestine and resistance with a social realistic view. Considering the introduction of resistance literature and the issue of migration in this novel, it seems necessary to conduct sociological research to clarify the links between the literary text and society. The present research has investigated this novel using the descriptive-analytical method, based on Goldmann's constructivism theory. This essay aims to examine the historical, social, and political contexts with a critical attitude to explain the inner layers of the novel from the point of view of Goldman's sociological critique, which shows the approach of this research in two stages of understanding and explaining. The components of the novel Awlad Al-Ghetto have a systematic connection in three parts, the whole novel deals with the historical, social and political contexts and explains the reasons and conditions of the narrator's migration, In the stage of reception, by referring to historical facts in the form of thematic and symbolic sub-characters and focusing on the hero's place, he addressed the issue of Palestine and the world's silence against it, while the narrators (Elias Khoury, Adam Danun, Murad) as problematic heroes who criticize It has been marginalized from the society that lacks true values, they are trying to change the current level of awareness to the possible and at the level of explanation, the author has drawn the historical incidents of silence and presented meaningful structures by choosing the format of the displaced immigrant and with the aim of raising awareness and The ruling worldview is the result of the reflection of the Palestinian refugee class and the author's critical attitude towards the world's silence about this human tragedy


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