Document Type : Research Paper
Department of Arabic language and literature, Faculty of Literature and Foreign Languages, University of Kashan, Kashan ,Iran.
Narratology is one of the branches of literary criticism that examines narratives. Vladimir Propp and after him Grimas have made studies in this field. Grimas believed that every story follows one of these narrative structures. 1- Contract (prohibition) - Violation - Punishment 2 - Lack of contract (irregularity) -Existence of contract (order). According to his theory, there are six roles or actors in all narratives, which are the subject, the target, the sender, the receiver, the helper, and the preventer. According to Grimas's theory, narrative propositions (descriptive, modal, transitive) and narrative chains (executive, contractual, disjunctive) can be seen in every story. Based on this, the current research tries to evaluate and criticize the novel Ajam written by the Iraqi writer "Senan Anton" based on the theory of Grimas with a qualitative approach and descriptive-analytical method. In this novel, one of the structures of Grimas's narrative, i.e., contract-violation-punishment, is observed, and the overall course of the story is from positive to negative. Also, in Ajam's novel, six roles or actors, narrative propositions and narrative chains of Grimas theory are clearly defined.
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