Document Type : Research Paper


1 Profesor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Ilam University, Ilam, Iran

2 Ph.D. Graduated in Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities Sciences, Ilam University, Ilam, Iran.


Metafiction is a post-modern narrative method in which the author tries to show its fictionality and story-likeness in different ways and reduce his god-like authority in narrating the events of the story. In this narrative method, the author avoids the rules of traditional and classic narration and highlights the artificiality of the story with metafictional techniques. This method of narration was also noticed by the writers of Arabic literature and many writers created famous meta-stories with this method of narration. Amjad Nasser, a Jordanian writer, is also one of the authors who used the metafictional technique in the novel "Hona Al Warde". Therefore, the present research has analyzed the application of the metafiction narrative method in the mentioned novel with a descriptive-analytical and statistical method and stated the author's goals of using this narrative method. Based on the findings of the research, with the help of metafictional techniques such as short connection, criticism of the story and reference to the way of writing the story, combining genres and styles and the uncertainty and multi-completion of the story, Nasser highlights the constructedness of his novel and with his interventions and metafictional comments, the imaginary world It connects the story and the world of reality and gives the reader an active role in the narrative process


Main Subjects

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