Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Arabic Literature Group, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Kharazmi University, Karaj, Iran

2 Ph.D. Candidate Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, Kharazmi University, Hamedan, Iran


Human uses language as a tool to communicate with others and expresses his knowledge and requests with that. Every country or culture has its own special language. One of the most eloquent and conceptual ways of transferring language experience and communication is the proverb. This language phenomenon represents a clear vision of its society circumstances whether in cultural, political or historical terms and it is unique in its own kind, especially, if the proverbs be common, because their commonness shows that these wisdoms have been taken from society depths and they have been occasionally modified. Most of these proverbs have been received in visual schemes taken from the human imagination. In other words, human experience is an inseparable part in all of them. The present research has surveyed the visual schemes in Mosul common proverbs represented by George Lakoff and Johnson and it has shown that the represented volumetric schemes by the linguists have been conceived according to the human abstract behavior and attitude and their growth is obvious in Mosul and they have high frequency among the other visual, dynamic and communication schemes and also, in power scheme, the top-down scheme has the least frequency. Most of the focus of Mosul people is on the details of affairs and the scheme of being inhibited which mostly  consists of coming to a dead end is considerably visible in Mosul proverbs. In all the schemes, human thought and its physical aspect has a major impact on its metaphysical aspect


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