Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

2 Ph.D. in Arabic language and literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Lorestan University, Khorramabad, Iran.


In an ode, there is a set of factors that make it cohesive and connected. By examining the ode from the point of view of organic unity and the factors that caused its connection and coherence, one can understand the level of communication in an ode.

Considering that "Amro bin Kulthum"'s ode is a coherent ode, the authors of this essay, with a descriptive-analytical approach, investigated the role of each of the factors that caused the ode's unity and cohesion, and at the end They have mentioned the differences of each of them.

Among the similarities between them in the text of the mentioned ode is the repetition in the last words of each stanza, which are proportional to each other in terms of their weight. And we are pronouns.

From this point of view, it can be said that there is a balance between the rhyme, verb and pronouns that are repeated throughout this ode, as well as the repetition of pseudo-repetition types in this ode.

on the other hand; All kinds of semantic relations in the mentioned ode by using details and expressing the cause and effect factors have caused the unity of the theme and its proportionality and harmony. Also, the general and specific semantic relationships, which the poet aims to use to express the characteristics of himself and his people, as well as pride in them, are the cause of the unity of the theme and the sequence of thoughts, as well as proportionality and harmony in this ode. Because the reader understands the intention of the poet in this way.

The results of the research show that in the poem "Omro bin Kulthum" both the factors of the unity of the poem and the unity of the theme are proportional and harmonious with each other.


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