Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student of Arabic language and literature, University of Tehran

2 Professor and member of the Faculty of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Tehran

3 Faculty member of Tehran University


Identity refers to the set of attitudes, characteristics and attitudes that distinguish a person from others. Adapting the discourse governing the novel with the principles proposed in the theories of discourse analysis is a way to understand the social and cultural impact of the ideologies ruling in a society on the formation of identity among its people. In the current research, the issue of identity in the novel "The Survivor" by Anaam Kachachi is investigated based on the theory of "Norman Fairclough" and by the method of critical discourse analysis. The findings of the research indicate that the discourse governing this novel was influenced by Kachachi's religious and family background, and on the other hand, it was formed based on the representation of the political, social and cultural conditions of the author's society in the second half of the 20th century. Through the character of Taj Al-Moluk, Kachachi aims to transform women's protest from a purely gender issue or a union issue into a political-social issue and to criticize the burdensome taboos of women. The author introduces the story of an example of a successful woman from the language of the first person and further points out the impact of the presence of these women in the society on the girls of the new generation of Iraq and their entry into the political scene. Meanwhile, the national identity due to the forced migration of the novel's characters from their homeland, and parallel to that, the gender identity affected by the author's ideology, among other types of identity, are the most prominent in the novel. According to the identity theory of Marcia Taj-al-Moluk, the main character of the story has a successful identity and Vodiyan has an early identity, and Mansour is on the border between late and successful identity.
