Document Type : Research Paper


1 Daneshgah Doctorate of Arabic Users and Literature Daneshgah Hakim Sabzwari

2 Hakim Sabzevari University



Psychoanalytic criticism is one of the branches of literary criticism that is used in the analysis and evaluation of texts, especially literary texts such as novels and stories. One of the theorists of this field is Ervin David Yalom. In his theory of psychotherapy, he has pointed to the four ultimate concerns of death, freedom, loneliness and emptiness, and has also expressed a defense strategy for each of them. According to Yalom, freedom has aspects such as responsibility, choice and decision. In this essay, relying on the descriptive-analytical method and the psychological approach, the concept of freedom and the methods of dealing with the anxiety caused by it have been examined in two novels "Zahr al-Laymun and other Qasses" and "Telk al-Raeha". The result of the research shows that in the freedom part, sometimes the characters of two novels, especially the novel of Zahr al-Laymun and other stories, get confused and surprised in choosing and deciding between two or more, and they have to impose the fear of choosing one thing on themselves or submit to the choice of fate and destiny. Sometimes they consider themselves entitled to freedom and choosing a path and desire, and they try to achieve it, but sometimes they face a dead end and failure in realizing this freedom, and in other times, they bring freedom to themselves.


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