Document Type : Research Paper


Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran



Pragmatics is a triangle in which meaning is circulated between the speaker (the sender), the recipient (the addressee), and the context (the message). The purpose behind this communication and circulation is for the listener to understand the meaning and reach the deeper purposes of the text. In this regard, pragmatics relies heavily on verbal acts to achieve the achievement goals and the influencing goals that relate to the recipient’s reactions. Speech acts that mean that a statement is actually accomplished are divided into several divisions, the most important of which are: direct speech acts and indirect speech acts. What is meant by indirect is that the verb indicates its content based on the context and other circumstances. As for directness, the word explicitly indicates its meaning without the need for another context that helps to understand it. This research aims, through the descriptive-analytical method and relying on the views of John Austin, to study the indirect speech acts in the poem (No Reconciliation) by the contemporary Egyptian poet Amal Dunqul. It reached the following results: The poet used in this poem many indirect speech acts that... It often consists of prohibitions, questions, and commands for important achievement and impact purposes, most notably the mobilization of the nation to liberate the Palestinian people.


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