Document Type : Research Paper


Ph.D in Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Foreign languages, ‎Kashan ‎University, Iran, Kashan. ‎



Since the discourse governing classical Arabic texts implies different opinions among theorists, ‎the science of rhetoric, has not been immune from these different viewpoints. The root of ‎these multiple attitudes to literary-rhetorical categories can be found in the non-observance of ‎reading rules by thinkers. Allusion is a suitable tool for some theorists to express their theories ‎based on misconceptions. Hamzah Alavi (749 AH), in the rhetorical book "Al-Taraz; Al-‎Mutazamin al-asrar Al-Balagha wa ‘ulum haghaigh al-ijaz", by challenging the "meaning" and ‎the "semantic range" of allusion tries to invalidate their views. Ibn-Athir (637 AH) is one of the ‎thinkers whose attitude towards the art of allusion has been the subject of Alavi’s controversy. ‎The current research tries to explain the semantic realm of allusion focusing on the different ‎views of the two discussed thinkers using a qualitative approach and inductive method. The ‎findings suggests that according to Alavi, Ibn Athir's definition of allusion leads to the ‎‎"transformation of the combined contrasts". On the other hand, Alavi's belief is violated on the ‎basis that Ibn Athir included allusion, simile, and metaphor in its semantic range. He considers ‎the real and figurative meaning in metaphor as two separate situations, in which case, he is ‎required to accept the non-transfer of the meaning; But in allusion, by accepting the transfer of ‎meaning, he considers real and virtual concepts as two different meanings for the word, and ‎takes a reading against the nature of virtual concepts.‎
