Document Type : Research Paper



Ahmad waeli is one of the Iraqi and Shiite contemporary poets in the Field of religious poem.In This Type Of poem, he has been able to set a strong link between the Virtues of  Ahl-e-Beit (Peace be uPon them) and  political, social and cultural conditions prevailing his era.
His religion poem is accompanied with wisdom and temperance. Further, his religious poem shows his strong emotion, belief and will to try to achieve Valuable Islamic aims. HE not only states difficulties and challenges exist in Islamic Society, But also calls the People for insight, awareness, constancy and battling tyranny and exploitation. Islamic- Shiite nobleness and avoiding of westernism and dispersion are waeli’s evident properties of thought. Using strong sermonic structures, paying attention to mental, belief, needs and present willings of Moslems are evideut charaetristics of his relious poem.
