Document Type : Research Paper



The event of Ashura is an incomparable epic in human history that remains Imam Hussain`s liberal -mindness and fight against cruelty. The character of Imam Hussain is higher than Shiite religion and Islam. In different ages Shiite poets recite much Arabic poetry in praise of Imam Hussain. Sharif Morteze who was an eminent jurisprudent was one of them and he devoted most of his poems to Imam Hussain. Sharif Morteza`s poem  in the praise of Imam is free of needless and full of honest feeling and his pure love to the Prophet`s family. In the present inquiry, the writer deals with the group of Sharif Morteza`s poems that is about Ashura and also features and social and individual characters of Imam Hussian. At the end of the research the results with the title of social and individual symbols of Imam Hussain in Sharif Morteza`s view and emotional view of Imam Hussain`s character in these poems presented to the reader with circular and columnar graphs. The writer used descriptive and analytical statistics. 
