Document Type : Research Paper



Comparing the works of Sohrab Sepehri, Iranian contemporary poet and Jibran Khalil Jibran, Arabian contemporary author fits the comparative literature in the American school though no such effects have been observed to exist between these two literary Characters.
One of the commonalities between these two literary figures is naturalism which has been considered as the utopia in their works. The two literary in this utopia, they strive to reach heaven and unity and get away from the city decorated with industrial ornamentations, in which Sepehri is closer to nature and is always praising good or bad natural phenomena and has no negative views about nature and finally reaches spiritual comfort; despite that, he does not touch upon the secrets of the elements of nature. In contrast, Jibran sometimes complains about the nature despite his apparent love for nature and by discovering the secrets of nature, he finds himself incapable of realizing his ambition for building a utopia at the heart of nature.
