Document Type : Research Paper



Newmark, contemporary linguist theorist, is dividing cultural elements to five categories, and he proposed 17 methods for translating of this elements. He tries to give better solutions to translators. The authors at this paper try with analytical-description method specifying the role at the cultural elements with emphasis of framework Newmark theory. They express, with presentation the schemes of these elements translation and with presentation the samples of those in translations Arabic to Persian, the role of the “organisations, customs, activities, procedures, concepts element” for Iranian translators. Thus, it is found that the Iranian translators used which schemes for transferring this element in their translations, and to what extend success in translation this element and correct transferring to destination language. The results show that despite of the “organisations, customs, activities, procedures and concept elements” encounter with political, religious, historical and artistic phrases and interpretations, but Iranian translators could transfer well using with “cultural equivalent”. Nevertheless using less important methods like “couplet” and “notes, additions and glosses” schemes cause ambiguity and weakness in their translations.


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