Document Type : Research Paper
Syllable as a unit of phonetics has different definitions. A simple definition defines syllable as a unit consisting of a few phonemes produced in a single exhale. Of course, definitions of syllable is of dispute among phonetician and its structure bears similarities and differences from one language to another. Record of interference and friction between Arabic and Persian and its consequences particularly in terms of phonetics and vocabulary signifies the need for analysis and comparison of syllables’ structure in the two mentioned languages. The article aims at compare the phonetic structure of phoneme, its similarities and differences in addition to the rules of syllable in both Arabic and Persian.The results signify that there are two types of phonemes used in Persian, where one is almost lost in Arabic and the other one is only used in special circumstances. The syllabic system of the two languages is also of considerable similarities and differences. This research is not only a comparative study but we hope that the findings of this comparison to be effective in determining the functional differences of the phonemes, including the identification of the phonological development of the words involved, as well as the differences in rhythm, meter, and poetic music between the two languages.