Document Type : Research Paper



The letter of attribution (ya´), the most widely used and the most common suffix, is one of the simplest tools for building adjectives in both Arabic and Persian, from its connection to the ends of different names, different adjectives with diverse meanings are created. This article is going to imply to some of its different meaning in Persian and Arabic and show some similarities and dissimilarities in this field. From the most important results of this paper is that most of the meanings and functions resulting from attachment of  relational (ya) to the basic word like : belonging  to a region or nationality, race, dependence on one thing, similarity in shape or color, specifying substance of one thing, craft vendor, religion and faith, subject or object meaning, ability and merit, possession  and etc “in both Arabic and Persian are similar, but in functions like” infected to one thing, addiction to a substance, matching with one thing, the site of buying and selling and etc are dissimilar. Generally, the similarities of this suffix and its function in both languages ​​is more than its dissimilarities.


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