Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD in Arabic Language and Literature, Tarbiat Modares University

2 Assistant Professor In in Arabic Language and Literature, Hakim Sabzevari University

3 Associate Professor in Arabic Language and Literature, Ilam University


The phenomenon of migration is one of the most complex demographic phenomena, and the process of adaptation of migrants to the destination is a much more complex phenomenon.Because living in a new human society, which is based on a set of specific value frameworks, specific expectations, requires a degree of adaptation.This adaptation takes place during culturalization, that is, the changes that individuals make in response to their cultural environment in order to have the power to meet the challenges posed by the collision of two different cultures. chikago by Ala al-Asvani is the story of the emigration of a number of Egyptian intellectuals who immigrate to the United States to continue their education and have a better future.After entering the new community, these people adopt cultural strategies to be more compatible with the host country. this paper aims to address this strategy by relying on the theory of Bery culture to address these strategies from the personality of the novel and answer the questions that the characters of this novel are adapted to the new western culture and which is influenced by what cultural strategies proposed in john Bery theory. the results indicate that the process of culture is a complex and complex process and elements such as religious, ethnic, patriotic, and individual attitudes are involved. with different backgrounds and attitudes in this process, various strategies such as separation, similarity and integration are adopted to adapt to the new environment. It is to be noted that integration strategy is the best strategy for resolving cultural challenges because the expatriate needs to create a dual or compound identity to have beneficial interaction in the new environment, so as to preserve the culture of the host, can adapt to the values and cultural norms of the host community.


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