Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Candidate, Arabic language and Literature, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, Iran.

2 Associate Professor in Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr - Iran.

3 Associate Professor in Department of Arabic language and literature, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr – Iran.

4 Professor in Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr - Iran.


Greimas factor model is one of the basic components of Greimas propositions about the surface structure of the text. The factor model is based on three models of factors: essence/subject, sender/ addressee and helpen/opponent; And from these factors emerge three relationships. Julian Greimas uses the factor model in analyzing the concept of factor and highlighting the relationships that connect the text. Since the novel is classified in literary genres which embodies the image of man in the struggle against life and is an expressive space , the author uses it to convey his feelings and thoughts based on a set of harmonious elements. This study intends to examine the factor model in the novel Al-Sinbad Al-Aama written by Buthaina Al-Issa based on Greimas factor model and Structural method in the framework of critical research that considers personality. In this research, we intend to explore the text of this novel based on the factor model and deal with the characters and analyze the functions of the characters in the narrative body and focus on the main characters  through  their names and communications. They take place with other characters. The results of the research show that this novel goes through various stages that help to visualize it. There are elements of motivation, competence, achievement and punishment in the behavior of the characters of the novel, as well as factor roles in this novel appear in a significant way .Therefore, we were able to complete the narrative schema in this novel.


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