Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate professor, Department of Arabic literature, university of Tehran.

2 Department of Arabic literature, University of tehran


Literature is a reflection of the social and political reality of society. Sometimes the writer reflects this reality through satire because he is unable to express some topics frankly. When there is no freedom in society and oppression and strife prevail, these circumstances do not allow the problems and shortcomings to be highlighted directly, as the writer is forced to use satire as a tool to criticize the government or other issues in an explicit manner. Jalal Amer was one of the satirical writers who lived during the era of Hosni Mubarak in Egypt and wrote satirical works in order to express some issues using satire. Amer has been called the prince of satirists in Egypt, which shows his skill in writing satire and his great influence on the audience. Based on the descriptive-analytical approach, this research aims to clarify the techniques used by this satirical writer and analyze the contents referred to in it in order to show the hidden corners of the Egyptian government and society and what people suffer from. The writer employed many techniques, such as satire, surprise, sarcastic definition, simile, analogy, looking from an unusual point of view, and contrast, and he was able to implicitly clarify his purpose to the reader. Among the contents that Amer addressed in his prose, we can point out his criticism of some issues, such as the rulers and officials not giving up power, denouncing the National and Brotherhood parties, the showy and fraudulent elections, the issue of inheritance, false achievements, mocking the candidates, and the three authorities’ lack of interest in their duties, as these matters are considered a reflection of the Egyptian reality, the life of this people, and the problems that people faced in that period.


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