
أستاذ مساعد بجامعة یاسوج


عدی بن زید العبادی شاعر من العصر الجاهلی، طار صیته فی الآفاق. عاش الشاعر فی بلاط الساسانیین و ملوک الحیرة بعیدا عن الحروب الطائفیة، و المعیشة البدویة. کان الشاعر متضلّعا باللغتین العربیة و الفارسیة و رسولَ أنوشیروان إلی قیصر الروم، فلهذا نری شعره متأثّرا بهذه العوامل و بیئته، مختلفا عن شعر غیره من الشعراء أسلوبا ومضمونا ولغة وصورة. وقد أبان هذا المقال عن اتّصال الشاعر ببلاط الساسانیین وتأثیر هذا الاتّصال علی رقی فکره ، فظهرت القصص الإیرانیة القدیمة وأسالیبها فی شعره، ورقّت لغته الشعریة وصوره الفنّیة، و ورد فی شعره الکثیر من الکلمات الفارسیة التی تدلّ علی تأثّره بالروح الفارسیة و ثقافتها، و نری هذا التأثّر جلیا فی الصورة الموسیقیة، إذ تتلاءم والموسیقی الشائعة فی البلاط مختلفة عن موسیقی شعراء البادیة.


عنوان مقاله [English]

Interaction of art and life in Adi - ben - Zaid Al- Ebadi poetry Case study: Iranian identity

نویسنده [English]

  • Mahmood Heidari

چکیده [English]

Adi - ben - Zaid Al- Ebadi is one of the well-known poets in Jaheli age who lived in court of Sasanied kings and Heerem's kings who were appointed and backed up by them. As such his life was away from tribal war and Bedouin life. He had a good command of both Arabic and Persian languages. This poet was court scribe and ambassador of Anoshirvan to Seizer and his poetry was different from other Jahelli poets age in style, subjects, diction, and figures of speech. This paper indicates that the poet's association with Sasanied court impacted his intellectual improvement too large extend. This impact gave raised to Iranian ancient tale and there prevalent styles in his poetry. This led to remarkable smoothness poetical styles and the entry of many Persian words in to his poems making Persian language and culture evident in his poetry. This impact of milieu appears in the rhythm of a verse and language area, because the rhythm was affected from currency music in Sasanied court.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Adi - ben - Zaid Al- Ebadi
  • Comparative literature
  • Jaheli poetry
  • Persian language and culture